Started at #HACK

Since 2016 people around the world have gathered at #HACK to collaborate on missional projects to solve problems affecting their communities. While we can’t trace the journey of every project started (or continued) at a #HACK event, here are some notable mentions. If you would like your project featured we would love to hear from you, please contact us or reach out at

Living Atlas

Participants across North America collaborated virtually during #HACK2021 to create a prototype for an interactive map experience to answer questions non-Christians and nominal Christians have about the Bible when searching online.

Award: #HACK2021 Viability

Team: Patrick, Christina, Susana, Adam, Reuben, Shawn, Timothy, Nichole, Athira, Kezia, Kennett

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An App to Cover a City in Prayer

If you’re used to praying with your eyes closed in a dark, quiet room and are feeling stuck, maybe it’s time to get out of the house and go on a prayer walk.

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A Chatbot to Distrupt Human Trafficking

Are there any innovations that can help solve this problem, to stop the exploitation of sex workers and the home-wrecking and life-wrecking sin of those who pay for them? A team at a hackathon developed a chatbot to do exactly that.

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Simple Animation is the First Bible Story in This Language

The problem is that there are a lot of people groups that have little to no biblical material in their language. That is the case with the Pukapuka people group.

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