#HACK2022 is coming… This teaser will get your participants excited about your upcoming event.
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Presentation Deck
The pitch deck provides a platform to clearly and easily explain the role of a Champion
Presentation Deck – Portrait
The pitch deck provides a platform to clearly and easily explain the role of a Champion
Google Calendar
This public Google Calendar of #HACK2022 events will allow you to stay on top of what’s going on with #HACK.
October 2022 Calendar – Landscape
This calendar shows all the most important #HACK events so you never miss a thing!
October 2022 Calendar – Portrait
This calendar shows all the most important #HACK events so you never miss a thing!
Champion Calendar – Landscape
This calendar shows all the most important #HACK events so you never miss a thing!
Champion Calendar – Portrait
This champion calendar shows all the most important #HACK events so you never miss a thing!
#HACK Infographic
This infographic gives a clear and summarized visual of how #HACK works.
What is #HACK?
This video is great to show anyone new to #HACK. It provides a fun, clear, and simple explanation of the goal and purpose of the event.
Planning Team Example (From #HACK Singapore)
Here is an example of how #HACK Singapore delegated responsibilities and tasks to help you in the planning process.
#HACK2021 Report
This is our annual report for #HACK2021. We will be creating a similar report for #HACK2022.
#HACK Logo
Using our #HACK logo is so important because it keeps us unified across the world. Whenever you make a social media post or signage for you event, be sure to include the #HACK logo.
Indigitous Logo
Like the #HACK logo, our Indigitous logo is so important because it keeps us unified across the world. Whenever you make a social media post or signage for you event, be sure to include the Indigitous logo so people know who you represent.
Marketing Resources for Inviting Participants
Here are some marketing resources we have prepared for inviting participants. These can be so helpful to post on social media or print out as flyer or signage for your event. You can easily modify each design to match your needs.