#HACK2022 Challenge
How might we inspire, empower or equip the next generation to start new, multiplying churches for those who are not yet followers of Jesus?
Today’s churches are not enough to reach those who do not yet know Jesus. You can validate this statement using a common gospel mission goal to see 1 church for every 1000 people. Simply divide the population of your location by 1000 and ask whether there are that many churches actively engaged in introducing unbelievers to Jesus. In large global cities the number of churches needed is staggering. Thus the challenge is to inspire, empower, and equip the next generation to start new, multiplying churches for those who are not followers of Jesus?
LIVE Interview with Stadia
Get all the details about this challenge from Stadia and find out about how this relates to you.
Challenge Kit
About the Organization
Stadia’s mission is to help you start thriving, growing, multiplying churches for the next generation. We work in collaboration with over 25 church multiplication partners around the world to provide the resources and relationships people need to start, grow, and multiply churches. The most significant factor limiting church multiplication is the lack of people who are inspired, empowered, and equipped for this work.